Hello, surfer.
For some reasons you have landed at my the personal website.
My name is Sergey Kuznetsov, nice to meet you! Perhaps my fugu fish avatar looks familiar to you. Or we even know each other in person.

You can learn about me below. Of course, only if you are interested.
It might be interesting to check my pet projects and contributions. Or you can take a look into my old wiki.summercode.com collection of notes.
Me on the Internet
- Email oldschool
- kuznecov.sg@gmail.com
- GitHub my craft
- https://github.com/cr0t
- Exercism mentor and mentee
- https://exercism.org/profiles/cr0t
- LinkedIn there is no cow level
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/kuznetsovsg
- Stackoverflow top 5%
- http://stackoverflow.com/users/102447/sergey-kuznetsov
- Twitter mostly silent reader
- https://twitter.com/kuznetsovsg
- Kuula astonishing 360° drone panoramas
- https://kuula.co/profile/cr0t
Pet Projects & Open Source Contributions
Tuftemark – Markdown converter tailored for Edward Tufte's handout format and ready to be used with Tufte CSS
source code: https://github.com/stackfusion/tuftemark
Lexin Mobi – responsive and modern UI for Swedish online dictionary
source code: https://github.com/cr0t/lexin
elixir-on-whales – Docker Compose template for Elixir/Phoenix apps
source code: https://github.com/cr0t/elixir-on-whales
ruby-on-whales – Docker Compose template for Ruby/Ruby on Rails apps
source code: https://github.com/cr0t/ruby-on-whales
U-Balda – iOS word game written using React Native & MobX
source code: https://github.com/cr0t/u-balda
bkdrf – tiny scraper written in Elixir
source code: https://github.com/cr0t/bkdrf
YiiOpenFlashChart – Yii framework extension for Open Flash Chart
source code: https://github.com/cr0t/yiiopenflashchart
Git-Wiki – improved version of Git-Wiki project (wiki.summercode.com used it)
source code: https://github.com/cr0t/git-wiki
YiiDebugTb – Yii framework debug toolbar extension
source code: https://github.com/cr0t/yiidebugtb
Habrjobs – micro-scraper for Habrahabr.ru jobs service
source code: https://github.com/cr0t/habrjobs
Pembaca – homemade "clone" of Scribd.com
source code: https://github.com/cr0t/pembaca